Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Burning Time After Reading

OK, saw Burn After Reading the other day . . . and, eh.

Typical Coën brothers fall-apart ending. It was funny, yes, but not fall-out-of-your-chair-funny, as I had been led to believe, by people I Trust About Humor, because they are funny.

So what up? I think we all unconsciously hold Hollywood to a much lower standard, like, "I saw [fill-in-the-blank-flavor-of-the-week-play-for-our-demographic], and it was grrreeat!" when in fact, it's merely OK. This is affirmative action for the cineplex. Wes Anderson is Public Enemy No. Fucking One (as I've said before) on this score. Call a mediocre movie (even if it has St. Malkovich) a spade, for God's sake.


Totally didn't see Brad Pitt getting offed coming, though. Killing the most interesting character (except Lietke, of course) was a change of pace, and a sure sign that we'd be getting off the bike soon.

*and scene*


blog admin said...

you are having some sort of links issue- I can't see the damn pics!!!!!

nice blawg tho.

Dax Rossetti said...

They've probably learned it from Woody Allen over drinks. No doubt the Coens know how to read their cards. An unsettled dust storm of 4 Academy Awards may have proven to be the perfect room for a sentimental ambition (like a second album). I haven't seen the film, and I know we don't always agree on cinema. But it sounds a bit like "The man who stepped into yesterday" which had a similar sort of Wow Factor but left people sleeping. I loved that film. But I can't accept that they're getting old and complacent or rich and out of touch like Allen. The boys know a story. And they know exactly who should tell it. Anyway. Nice to see you Uncle. Maroon eats black. Change the background color.