Friday, September 26, 2008

Lord Jesus

Well, here I am, a depositor at Washington Mutual.

My drinking has lots of bad consequences, but I also talk to financial planners whilst tanked, and I learn things . . .

I always assumed that FDIC basically rendered your average (sane) depositor/investor safe, BUT little did I know. . .

if your bank fails, and you need the FDIC, you will receive 1 DOLLAR before they shut your shit off, and tell you to get out of line. THE FDIC WILL NOT SAVE YOUR ASS. That's an important point.

Oh, ye Wachovia depositors, do not assume ye are far behynde. Things are very much up in the air. If St. McCain proves willing to sacrifice The Economy As We Know It to save his shit-sorry campaign, watch out. The liquidity crisis might be coming to a theater near you.

If there's a takeaway, it is . . . there are lots of people with a WHOLE LOT MORE money than me. They have this money out of a certain commendable form of persistance. I really can no longer accept the idea that it's because they're smarter than me.

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